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Newसूचना: अगर आपका ईमेल verify नहीं हो रहा है या otp लॉक हो गया हो तो 24 घंटे बाद पुनः प्रयास करें | Newअगर किसी आवेदक को ईमेल के inbox पर otp नही मिल रहा है तो कृपया ईमेल spam पर भी check किया जाए |
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Important Instructions

1. This advertisement is being published for recruitment of eligible candidates on contractual positions under Mission Vatsalya Scheme being implemented by the State Child Protection Society, Social Welfare Department, Government of Bihar.

2. Candidates applying for the position/s must go through the recruitment guideline carefully and accordingly submit the application.

3. Candidates who fulfill all the eligibility criteria for the positions must only apply.

4. Reservation for Divyang, Women and Economically Weaker Section (EWS) candidates will be applicable as per the reservation norms notified by the General Administration Department (GAD) of the State Government from time to time.

5. Reservation benefits will be available only to the residents of Bihar having valid credentials.

6. Please note that the last date of submitting online application will be the cut-off date for calculating minimum length of relevant experience prescribed under minimum eligibility criteria for respective positions.

7. A candidate may apply for multiple positions if s(he) meets the minimum eligibility criteria. However, it should be noted that the candidate shall fill and submit separately applications for every position that s(he) considers himself/herself eligible.

8. The State Child Protection Society (SCPS), Bihar reserves the right to scheduling selection process for all positions on the same date or on different dates.

9. The Number of positions may increase or decrease based on requirement of the project.

10. The final merit list of candidates will be published after applying approved cut off for different categories and rules of evaluation as prescribed in the guideline for recruitment of candidates for different positions as advertised.

11. All the positions are of contractual nature and the candidates selected cannot claim any regular appointment under the State Government.

12. State Child Protection Society, Bihar reserves the right to cancel or amend the recruitment process at any stage.